Friday, June 30, 2006

"Now the last end of everything is that which is intended by the prime author or mover thereof. The prime author and mover of the universe is intelligence; therefore the last end of the universe must be the good of the intelligence, and that is truth.

Truth then must be the final end of the whole universe; and about the consideration of that end, wisdom must primarily be concerned. And therefore the Divine Wisdom, clothed in flesh, testifies that He came into the world for the manifestation of truth: For this was I born, and unto this I came into the World, to give testimony to the truth (John xvii, 37).

The Philosopher also rules that the first philosophy is the science of truth, not of any and every truth, but of that truth which is the origin of all truth, and appertains to the first principle of the being of all things; hence its truth is the principle of all truth, for things are in truth as they are in being."

-Summa Contra Gentiles, by Saint Thomas Aquinas


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